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Our Instructors

at a glance

We offer a variety of workshops, retreats and teacher training programs depending on your personal goals. Whether you need to tone your body, relieve aches and pains, or take your yoga practice to the next level, there is something for everybody at our Yoga Studio.


Cassie Doucette

Cassie first stumbled upon her yoga journey looking for a physical getaway and ended up taking on an adventure of a lifetime. Her yoga practice serves her not only on her mat but in every aspect of her life.

As an addictions counsellor and family and community resource worker, Cassie uses yoga to help herself and her clients learn new beginnings while being mindful and staying in the moment.

“Yoga has helped me become who I am and has certainly built on my present self: patience, confidence, being goal-orientated, creativity and more. This is something one can practice on a daily basis without even having to get on their mat; to help find peace in the most difficult of times or to take on the happiest of moments, in the moment.”

Cassie wants nothing more than to pass this great fortune onto others. Start your own incredible journey and allow Cassie to be a guide in what could be the best adventure of your life


Sarah McDowell

Sarah's first discovered her yoga journey when she was pregnant with her daughter Isla. The practice provided her with a sense of grounding which allowed her to feel at peace despite the major shift her life was about to take. 

Sarah revisited the practise again and again at various points and knew that she needed more, she was craving more. She jumped into her yoga teacher training in 2015 and hasn't looked back.  Sarah immediately started to get her feet wet by teaching outdoor community classes during the summer months, she then transitioned to a small studio space to offer weekly classes. 

In 2016 she really started to expand more giving herself the time to adopt a daily home practise, taking part on the committee that organizes valley yoga fest, continuing her weekly classes, working full time as a hairstylist and of course raising a spitfire toddler.  Despite the chaos of life around her, the yoga practice was there, always a constant reminder to stay grounded and to fill her own cup before pouring out to others. 

Sarah has always had a passion to learn and share knowledge with others. She is excited to share space with others on their mats through weekly classes, as well as collaborate with Cassie to create various retreats and workshops. 
Sarah is excited to help others discover what yoga can do for them in their life and hopes you'll join her on the adventure. 

"Yoga is not about touching your toes. It is what you learn on the way down" - Jigar Gor


Lynn Vermette

As an RMT and mother of four, Lynn has spent over 25 years nurturing and caring for others. In a desperate attempt to find some sanity during those crazy, chaotic years, Lynn stumbled across and began practicing Yoga.

Right from the very beginning, she developed a deep love and appreciation for the sense of peace, inner balance and strength she found while spending time on her mat.
There, Lynn realized she could simply STOP….and BREATHE.
As a result, she learned how to tune in to and respect her body.

​Today, Lynn’s passion is connecting with others to share knowledge and develop skills on how to create and nurture a healthy relationship with our minds, bodies and hearts. She firmly believes that practicing Yoga is the most powerful tool we can use to achieve that goal.

Its not about being able to bend your body like a pretzel.
Its not about being super flexible.
Its about showing up on your mat, connecting with breath…and seeing where your body will take you.

​'Rather than focusing on what we CAN’T do, let’s work with what we CAN do.
Bottom line is… If you have a heartbeat…and you can breathe - YOU CAN DO YOGA!!’



Stacey Floris

I gave up on athletics a long time ago, one too many forgotten gym clothes between grades three and eight. After many MANY nights of putting two kids to bed, I needed an out — even if it meant doing fitness. I went to one yoga class. I found an activity that I could do with my eyes closed. One that didn’t involve catching a ball or crossing a finish line. An activity that taught me fitness, breath by breath.

A practise that gave me lessons off my mat so that I didn’t have to escape from the daily grinds — learning that with soft power, you can find great strength


Alesia Bitar

Yoga has been a part of Alesia’s life for over 10 years. She first found yoga when she struggled with a physically limiting health condition as a teenager. Her practice both on and off the mat has had many changes, ebbs l, and flows over the decade, but she always found herself coming back. Yoga teacher training called to her like a sign at a time when she needed it the most. She spent that time growing stronger, both mentally and physically, and continues to seek new and ongoing education opportunities in yoga today.
“I will always be a student, learning from my own students, teachers, and from life. My mat feels like coming home. I want to everyone to find that feeling, of a place they ultimately belong where they can show up exactly as they are, not as they were or as they will be. No judgement, just belonging, and a safe space to land each day.”
She loves everything about yoga, and with 265 training hours from Power Flow, to Yin, to Yoga for Stress & Anxiety, there’s no classes that she is off limits to sharing, and she loves to teach them all!
“I want everyone to come to class feeling like it’s taught just for them. My dad has artificial joints, and that is the main reason I never want anyone to feel they are excluded or limited in their body. I really felt this when I became pregnant with my first child. Yoga became a safe space where I could adapt my practice, and make it what it needs fo be today, not what it was yesterday, or what it will be tomorrow. It’s problem solving at it’s finest. No one should ever feel that their body or their mind prevents them from taking part in any class, and in fact I thrive and encourage others to thrive on the challenge of honouring themselves from exactly where they are. It gives us all purpose.”


Luna Slipp

Luna Slipp- Green {Serpentine} (She/Her) is a child of the Earth, born and raised on Mi’kma’ki, the unceded territory of the Mi’kmaq People of Turtle Island. Luna began her soul discovery work with an initiation through the death of her Father and feels called to show up in her authentic self through vulnerability and heart-centred connection. This initiation brought her to find her own rendition of the way she viewed the world through travel and exploring various aspects of herself via dance, various cultures and art, workshops and mirrors of humans along the way. Luna has always had an affinity for nature and is humbled by the power of interconnection and interdependence within this world, it is a song to her soul. Luna has a background in Womens Work and workshops for all, guiding and participating in  circles ,  journeys and workshops around the world. She has been participating in workshops for many cycles and facilitating for three years. Lunas tool box also includes working with children in alternative settings , guiding connections back to nature , with a degree in Recreation Therapy. In addition, Luna has a passion and deep reverence for the importance of the Nervous System, mindful movement and embodied work. She feels creating safe and contained spaces to be pertinent to dive into ones own inner world. She is a student of life, a devotee to nature, a poet , a Somatic Attachment Practitioner and author of her first book “33 Birds- Messages Unheard”. Luna feels a full being desire to create and gather in ritual and circular settings. Feel free to reach out and connect via socials of her personal and writings page @sealuna and Lunas soul works page @innerinvocation.


Monika Bigelow

We all live in imperfect bodies in an imperfect world. When Monika started her yoga journey many years ago, she discovered she felt most comfortable being taught by yoga teachers who had a strong understanding of body movement. She became a Registered Massage Therapist (RMT) and now uses her knowledge of anatomy and physiology to inform how she teaches those living inside of their imperfect bodies. Assisting people to move safely into and out of their yoga poses as a yoga instructor combines powerfully with the skills Monika uses as an RMT to help people out of their pain. Monika’s yoga classes are focused on the balance between strength and flexibility, exertion, and release and include a dynamic style that uses breathwork, yoga flow, and meditation to help students find stillness and centering.

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